React Newsletter #13

Coding with REact like a game developer, React Native meets async functions, and unit testing React components without a DOM


Coding with React like a Game Developer

As a JavaScript developer you’re much like a game developer. You’re in a constricted environment, that has its quirks. But with ES6 it feels like we can finally clean up some JavaScript weirdness and even smarter patterns, that fully embraces the new standard. In this article, Phil walks through building React apps with ES6 and Babel.

React Native Meets Async Functions

For UIs, handling concurrency is extremely important. Apps written with React Native are no exception, but they have a terrific advantage: they are written mostly in JavaScript, whose toolbox of concurrency patterns has evolved to include closures, promises, generators, and most recently, async functions. In this article, James talks about how to utilize Async functions in your React Native application.


Unit testing React components without a DOM

When unit testing React components the common approach has been to render them into a DOM and run some assertions against them with the help of the React TestUtils. This has changed in 0.13 where an early implementation of shallow rendering is now ready to use. In this article, Simon talks through how to utilize shallow rendering for more efficient testing.

From JSXTransformer to Babel

JSXTransformer is going away, so there's no better time to switch to Babel. In this very precise article, Stoyan gives you the bare minimum you need to switch over from JSXTransformer to Babel.

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